date comparisons with timezones in javascript

31 May 2023


As JavaScript developers, we often encounter scenarios where we need to compare dates, especially when considering timezones. However, handling date comparisons with timezones can be challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to compare dates in JavaScript, taking into account timezones. We will leverage the power of date-fns and Luxon libraries to simplify the process. Get ready to master date comparisons with timezones!

Understanding Date Comparisons in JavaScript: When comparing dates in JavaScript, we can use the basic comparison operators like <, >, <=, >=, and ===. These operators compare the underlying timestamp representation of the dates. However, when timezones come into play, we need to consider additional factors to ensure accurate comparisons.

Comparing Dates with Timezones using date-fns

The date-fns library provides useful functions for working with dates, including timezone-aware comparisons. Let's see how we can compare dates with timezones using date-fns.

import { isBefore, isAfter } from 'date-fns'; const date1 = new Date('2023-01-01T10:00:00Z'); const date2 = new Date('2023-01-02T08:30:00Z'); if (isBefore(date1, date2)) { console.log('date1 is before date2'); } else if (isAfter(date1, date2)) { console.log('date1 is after date2'); } else { console.log('date1 and date2 are equal'); }

In the above example, we compare two dates that include timezone information. The isBefore and isAfter functions handle the timezone offsets, ensuring accurate comparisons.

Comparing Dates with Timezones using Luxon

Luxon is a powerful library specifically designed for working with dates, times, and timezones. Let's explore how to perform timezone-aware date comparisons using Luxon.

import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; const date1 = DateTime.fromISO('2023-01-01T10:00:00Z'); const date2 = DateTime.fromISO('2023-01-02T08:30:00Z'); if (date1.isBefore(date2)) { console.log('date1 is before date2'); } else if (date1.isAfter(date2)) { console.log('date1 is after date2'); } else { console.log('date1 and date2 are equal'); }

Luxon's isBefore and isAfter methods handle the timezone information embedded in the dates, providing accurate comparisons.

Handling ISO Time with Timezone Information: ISO 8601 is a standard format for representing dates and times. When working with dates including timezone information, ensure your dates are formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard. This allows the libraries to correctly interpret the timezone offsets and perform accurate comparisons.


Comparing dates with timezones in JavaScript is crucial when working with temporal data. By leveraging the date-fns and Luxon libraries, we simplify the process and ensure accurate comparisons. We explored examples using ISO time with timezone information, showcasing the power of these libraries. Incorporate these techniques into your JavaScript projects to handle complex date comparisons, accounting for different timezones and improving the accuracy and functionality of your applications.

Happy coding and precise date comparisons with timezones!